- Most common skin condition
- Symptoms include small round patches with no hair
- Highly contagious via contact, blankets and cinches
- Caused by a fungus
- Treatment = sunlight, nutrition, Captan or iodine
Habronemiasis or Summer Sores
- Sores around eyes and sheath
- Caused by larvae deposited by infected flies in wounds or eyes
- You will notice pus in cuts and proud flesh
- Treatment = organophosphates such as DSMO paste and fly control
Warbles or Grubs
- Found mostly in cattle
- Larvae under the skin on the back will form a bump and then a breathing hole will appear
- Can be cut out or they will just come out when mature
- Small hairless patch induced by mites
- Causes intense itching
- Treatment = Proper hygiene and Lindane
- Hypersensitivity to the sun
- Effects white skin, usually on legs
- White skin swells, gets hard nodules that peel off. The skin gets dry and cracks. The horse can get so sore it will not move
- Treatment = Bute, apply lots of Zinc Oxide and wrap the area and peel off the nodules.
- Epidermal growths caused by a virus, more common in younger horses
- They will go away on their own, or a possible vaccine
- A tumor that grows on the horses head leg or shoulder
- It is benign fibroblastic growth
- They can be cut off, but usually reappear
- Look for growths when buying a horse
Pyoderma = Inflammation of the skin
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